Parametric Study on the Adjustability of the Syngas Composition by Sorption-Enhanced Gasification in a Dual-Fluidized Bed Pilot Plant

Selina Hafner, Max Schmid, Günter Scheffknecht
2021 Energies  
Finding a way for mitigating climate change is one of the main challenges of our generation. Sorption-enhanced gasification (SEG) is a process by which syngas as an important intermediate for the synthesis of e.g., dimethyl ether (DME), bio-synthetic natural gas (SNG) and Fischer–Tropsch (FT) products or hydrogen can be produced by using biomass as feedstock. It can, therefore, contribute to a replacement for fossil fuels to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. SEG is an indirect gasification
more » ... process that is operated in a dual-fluidized bed (DFB) reactor. By the use of a CO2-active sorbent as bed material, CO2 that is produced during gasification is directly captured. The resulting enhancement of the water–gas shift reaction enables the production of a syngas with high hydrogen content and adjustable H2/CO/CO2-ratio. Tests were conducted in a 200 kW DFB pilot-scale facility under industrially relevant conditions to analyze the influence of gasification temperature, steam to carbon (S/C) ratio and weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) on the syngas production, using wood pellets as feedstock and limestone as bed material. Results revealed a strong dependency of the syngas composition on the gasification temperature in terms of permanent gases, light hydrocarbons and tars. Also, S/C ratio and WHSV are parameters that can contribute to adjusting the syngas properties in such a way that it is optimized for a specific downstream synthesis process.
doi:10.3390/en14020399 fatcat:lytwie6a4vhefdbrzk7y4ohw34