Cosmological models with a hybrid scale factor in an extended gravity theory

B. Mishra, S. K. Tripathy, Sankarsan Tarai
2018 Modern Physics Letters A  
A general formalism to investigate Bianchi type VI_h universes is developed in an extended theory of gravity. A minimally coupled geometry and matter field is considered with a rescaled function of f(R,T) substituted in place of the Ricci scalar R in the geometrical action. Dynamical aspects of the models are discussed by using a hybrid scale factor that behaves as power law in an initial epoch and as an exponential form at late epoch. The power law behaviour and the exponential behaviour appear as two extreme cases of the present model.
doi:10.1142/s0217732318500529 fatcat:ogxn4hj2mjdhphyakghqauly6m