Multiple Attribute Grey Target Decision Making Model Based on Linear Combination Weights Determining and Entropy

Zhihong Gu, Dongxiao Niu, Huiqing Wang
2009 International Journal of Business and Management  
Gray target decision making is one method of gray systematic theory for solving multiple attribute decision making problem. The weight definite method of the index in the present researches on gray target decision making is monotonous, it does not accord with the actual conditions; From the point of view of mathematical statistics in addition, the true weight coefficient of every index is a random variable, the weight coefficient that different assignment method draws is only a sample value of
more » ... he true weight coefficient, and it has some uncertainty. For this reason, a method of determining the linear combination weights based on entropy, using optimization theory and Jayne's maximum entropy principle, is presented to deal with the problem of determining the weights in multiple attribute decision making. The existing grey target decision making model has been got improved and the example demonstrates the validity of this model.
doi:10.5539/ijbm.v3n1p106 fatcat:jz56ttnqu5emnf2gvhzrquk5ay