Effect of feedback training and goal setting in learning complex motor skills among physical education students

Rani Devi
2016 International journal of physiology, nutrition and physical education  
This study examined the effects of feedback training and goal setting in learning motor skills among physical education students. 30 male students were randomly assigned to two experimental (one Feedback Training and one Goal Setting) groups and one control group. The training was given for the period of eight weeks 4 days per week, with 30 to 40 minutes in the ground in the morning session. The data for the study was collected in two phases. In the first phase of data collection the Pre tests
more » ... as taken, and then the training was given to the two groups i.e., Goal Setting Group and Feedback Group for the period of 6-8 weeks. Once the training will be over then comes the second phase of data collection i.e., post test and the data will be collected. The comparison was done by using one way Analysis of Variance. Where the F ratio was found significant scheffe's post hoc test was applied to find out the differences among the sub scores of that variable at different intervals of experiment. The results were examined at 0.05 level of confidence. The paired-sample t test was used to compare the mean scores of pre and post test of the three groups on complex motor skills. Results showed that it may also be concluded that feedback training and goal setting are useful in enhancing learning. Though control group has also shown considerable improvement in learning these skills, which might be due to the regular practice, yet the improvement could have been more by applying feedback training and goal setting technique when learning new skill.
doi:10.22271/journalofsport.2016.v1.i1b.2098 fatcat:ciwhxkubd5b3ljrqo7ehvtkiaq