Avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Natural history and magnetic resonance imaging

Y Takatori, T Kokubo, S Ninomiya, S Nakamura, S Morimoto, I Kusaba
1993 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery  
We studied the prognostic value of MRI in 32 radiographically normal, asymptomatic hips in 25 patients at risk of osteonecrosisfrom glucocorticoids or alcoholism. The early findings were band-like hypointense zones on spin-echo images. No operations were performed. Life-table survival curves showed that femoral heads in which the hypointense zone traversed the middle portion of the head were most at risk of subsequent segmental collapse. JBoneJoint Surg [Br] 1993; 75-B:2l7-2l.
doi:10.1302/0301-620x.75b2.8444940 fatcat:sy6n6n3zs5e3lbx6vzsn5fitne