Herbal & Alternative Medicine Influence of the Large Intestine Meridian on Bronchial Astma

Radka Durďáková, František Dorko, Radomír Durďák
Objective / Purpose: Our research focuses on the large intestine meridian, which has, according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine, influence not just on the intestine, its motility, and digestion, but its influence on the respiratory system has also been described, in which case it's used for therapy of bronchial asthma, hay fever, etc. The study targets selected points of this pathway, where through progressive dissection we reveal the area of the acupuncture point and further study its
more » ... ble influences in relation with bronchial asthma. Our research follows up on our last-year study, in which we have found a likely way how the stimulation of the LU5 point by the insertion of an acupuncture needle affects the progression of bronchial asthma. Material and Methods: Our study was carried out on cadavers fixated using the prescribed fixation formol method at the Department of Anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine by University of Ostrava. The research was split into 3 phases for better accuracy and verification. In the first phase, we have used special training models and training mats to learn how to properly insert the acupuncture needle and with the help of expert recommended literature and exact drawings we have trained the exact placement and localization of points on the human body and subsequently the correct insertion of the needle into these specific acupuncture points into the prescribed depth and under the correct angle. In the second phase of the research we have localized acupuncture points of the lung meridian on a live human model and tried inserting needles into ourselves to verify that there is a nerve ending in the specific point, which we proved by irritation of the point by the acupuncture needle. We have decided to undertake this step in order to achieve the best possible projection of points on the cadaver, since cadavers used in our research were before the dissection properly treated with the prescribed fixation method, and after the stabilization in fixation solutions are occurring micro deformations of tissues, so it is not possible to ensure an entirely neutral position of the cadaver, and therefore we have tried to determine the insertion point as exactly as possible in order to obtain the most convincing results. In the last phase, we marked acupuncture points on cadavers and began the dissection. The dissection was carried out in the place of the acupuncture point in the necessary depth of insertion according to the teachings of acupuncture. Tissues were separated into layers, respecting anatomical structures belonging to the given area with special regards to careful dissection of veins and nerve structures in the location of anatomic structures along the lung meridian. Acupuncture points on the lung meridian were studied and after comparison of individual dissections we have found no serious anatomical deviations between various cadavers. In the end, we have made photographic documentation and description. Conclusion / Discussion: The view on acupuncture is still not entirely clear and effects described when treating people with acupuncture are not widely acknowledged in Europe. It is partially caused by various researches, which do not rule out the subjective effect on side of the patient, most of all the placebo effect. Despite this, it cannot be concluded that effects of acupuncture are solely caused by the placebo effect, since in China is treatment of patients based on acupuncture performed and widely accepted for millennia and this method is still more popular than the rational western medicine. Therefore, the approach to treatment using this method is still dubious and the standpoint for its use is uncertain or negative, and therefore are physicians hesitant to treat people with the use of the traditional Chinese medicine. For reasons mentioned above, we have decided to focus on the research of acupuncture with the removal of the subjective part, and therefore by studying nervous pathways we can with the help of anatomical and physiological knowledge determine the probable effect of stimulation of an acupuncture point. Biography Radka Durďáková currently studies in the 3rd year at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ostrava. She leads together with Assoc. Prof. MUDr. František Dorko, Csc. for the second year a research team focused on objective research of acupuncture pathways. Their study focusing on objective effects of the LU5 point on the bronchial asthma (Anatomical study of potential connection between the acupuncture point LU5 and sympathetic reaction of spinal nerves) was published in the Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciencis (IF according to the International Scientific Indexing 1,257) and she has also presented these results on an international conference in Bratislava. She has studied in China in years 2014-2015 at the Beijing Language and Culture University and Beijing Normal University. Radka.durdakova@gmail.com Radka Durďáková A et al., Allied J Med Res 2017