Survey of Use Cases and Challenges for AI Use in Education of Several Nations

Rieko Komiyama
Computer & Education  
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a common topic of discussion in daily life, and its use in education is no different. This article describes a sampling of national policies and a selection of case studies of AI use in education, to draw a high level overview of the changing landscape of education across the globe. Japanese adoption of this technology is only in its earliest stages in comparison to both the technology leaders in the field, China and the United States, as well as a number
more » ... of developing nations with an aggressive adoption of AI into its educational policies. This article will discuss the challenges and concerns regarding AI use in education in the context of a broad overview of global trends.
doi:10.14949/konpyutariyoukyouiku.45.17 fatcat:d35rezidvnhwpg2ac5amqkcafe