Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Leader-member Exchange
조직시민행동의 선행요인에 관한 연구: LMX의 매개효과를 중심으로

Ung Hee Lee, Hye Kyoung Kim
2015 Journal of Digital Convergence  
The main purpose of this study was to find antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and to investigate the mediating role of leader-member exchange(LMX). This study categorized the factors that influence OCB and LMX into individual(distributive and procedural justice), group(transformational leadership and team empowerment), and organizational levels(complexity). A total of 773 cases were used in this study, which were collected in one of industrial complexes. The research
more » ... ipants were any employees who participated in their work by collaborating with their co-workers. This study found that procedural justice, transformational leadership, and team empowerment had positive influences on OCB, and distributive justice, procedural justice, transformational leadership, team empowerment, and complexity significantly influenced LMX. Moreover, LMX played a mediating role in the relationship between each of the five input variables and OCB.
doi:10.14400/jdc.2015.13.1.151 fatcat:lgfpd2f4lvb47dbebwfhthhbqm