Wave resistance to the movement of objects along the rocket track guides

Vladimir Erofeev, Elena Lissenkova, Alexey Malkhanov, S. Bratan, S. Gorbatyuk, S. Leonov, S. Roshchupkin
2018 MATEC Web of Conferences  
The work is devoted to the study of resistance to the motion of concentrated mechanical systems along the rocket track guides, which arises as a result of the wave character of deformation of the guides. The analysis of the dependence of the wave resistance on the speed of the load is carried out. It is known that the wave resistance to movement of loads along elastic guides is directly related to the deflection of the latter and the appearance of elastic waves. The investigations of this
more » ... m are discussed in [1-3], where constant or variable sources of forces were used as loads. Below it is considered the resistance to the movement of the load (carriage) with its own degrees of freedom, along the guide rocket track. As a guide we consider a string lying on an elastic basement. Let the motion of the carriage, which is supposed to be two elastically coupled masses M and m, located one above the other, occurs according to the law = ( ). Assuming that the vertical displacements of the upper mass M are determined by the function ( ), and the vertical displacements of the lower mass are always equal to the deflections of the string ( , ) at the point of its contact = ( ) with the carriage are 0 ( ), i.e.,
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201822402016 fatcat:rrpogsptf5b4pp2kdlkj43ngpe