Beam Losses in the Extraction Line of a TeV E+ E- Linear Collider With a 20-Mrad Crossing Angle [report]

A. Ferrari, Y. Nosochkov
2006 unpublished
In this paper, we perform a detailed study of the power losses along the postcollision extraction line of a TeV e + e − collider with a crossing angle of 20 mrad between the beams at the interaction point. Five cases are considered here: four luminosity configurations for ILC and one for CLIC. For all of them, the strong beam-beam effects at the interaction point lead to an emittance growth for the outgoing beams, as well as to the production of beamstrahlung photons and e + e − pairs. The
more » ... losses along the 20 mrad extraction line, which are due to energy * Uppsala University, Sweden † Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA
doi:10.2172/878350 fatcat:mw26l5k32zbtfkl4dfpknp3z4a