Book reviews: A History of the Tennessee Supreme Court

Cathy Cochran
2003 unpublished
Now that the 2004 election is over, it seems like a good time to remind new officeholders as well as reelected incumbents of the importance of libraries to the health of the nation, and of the need for their support for libraries. In our district in Washington County, we have a new representative to the Tennessee legislature who promises to set up a public forum to find out the concerns of his constituents. My wife and I plan to attend and let him know our thoughts. In many areas the local
more » ... ers of the League of Women Voters will be setting up "meet your elected officials" events to provide the citizens of Tennessee with opportunities to talk to their representatives. Then of course, TLA sponsors Library Legislative Day so that we can go to Nashville and make sure that our public servants understand what we do and why it is important. Beyond the state level, you can contact our representatives in Washington D.C. You can telephone Senator Bill Frist's office at 202-224-3344 or e-mail him from his website: Senator Lamar Alexander also provides his telephone number 202-224-4944 and the opportunity to e-mail him at: And then of course, our House members have their websites with contact information. Now that President Bush is contemplating what the next four years will hold, we have a special opportunity to remind him that libraries represent a fundamental value of our society. After all, his wife is a former school librarian and a great reader, and consequently must be an advocate for libraries in the presidential household as well as through her foundation. The president's web address is: Let his administration know what constituents in one of the "red states" expect during his second term.