A Multi-Pronged Approach to Work Integrated Learning for IT Students

Lorraine Staehr, Mary B. Martin, Ka Ching Chan
2014 Journal of Information Technology Education Innovations in Practice  
This paper describes the multiple work integrated learning (WIL) schemes available to IT students at La Trobe University, Bendigo Campus. Having a number of different options for students to choose from maximizes the number of students who can have the opportunity for IT industry experience while completing an IT degree. This approach is important since IT employers are currently more likely to employ work-ready graduates. The advantages of the programs to the various stakeholders -university,
more » ... T academic staff, industry partners (IP) and students (regardless of whether they participate in a WIL program or not) -are outlined. To differentiate work integrated learning from work experience there is an emphasis on reflective practice throughout the IT work-integrated learning subjects. Some examples of students' reflective writing are provided to illustrate this focus. Suggestions for successful WIL programs are discussed along with issues that have arisen and how they were managed.
doi:10.28945/1938 fatcat:h2dfja3kibeljbanfj2jdkxfuq