Full custom texture measurement and applications in multiresolution video coding

Ling Guan
1997 Optical Engineering: The Journal of SPIE  
We propose a new texture measurement, the full custom texture measurement (FCTM) calculated from the cooccurrence matrix. The new measurement provides a general framework for the analysis of images from a textural viewpoint. It is shown that different textural features can be designed through the FCTM. In particular, it is demonstrated that the conventional cooccurrence-matrix-based texture features are special cases of the FCTM. The FCTM is well suited for analyzing images under
more » ... signal decomposition, due to its flexibility in dealing with different signal structures in different decomposition levels and signal bands. Combined with multiresolution signal processing, we applied the FCTM to motion estimation in low-bit-rate video coding. Experimental results show that coding methods incorporating the FCTM provide reconstruction quality superior to a well-known codec, H.263. © 1994 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [S0091-3286(94)03407-0]
doi:10.1117/1.601297 fatcat:eu6zjgznjvd2vkea57bpzsqyxm