Effect of Social-Economic factors on the Decisions of Small Holder Wheat Farmers to Participate Market in Rwanda

Sibomana Jeanclaude
2020 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Wheat is an important cash crop in the Rwandan market. The wheat market in Rwanda is made of small and medium holder farmers who are not participating in the market adequately though the attention given by Government to increase the production of wheat. The objective of this study was to examine effect of social economic factors influencing market participation decisions in Nyamagabe District Rwanda. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 149 respondents using well-structured
more » ... onnaire. Descriptive statistics was used to characterize wheat farmers and compare means of respondents. Probit model was employed to investigate factors influencing market participation decisions among small holder farmers in STATA version 13. The key findings from the probit model revealed that social-economic factors that influenced the decision to participate in wheat market were marital status, education, total land owned (ares), total area under wheat production (ares), total land allocated for other crops (ares), bicycle and mobile phones ownership. The study recommended that in order to increase market participation of wheat farmers there is need to improve on the social economic status of respondents through promoting adult education and focus on the current farmers' strengths and assets.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2020.2115 fatcat:zs7ks7py6rftnhisixqwaembzu