Statistical Analysis and Countermeasures of Gas Explosion Accident in Coal Mines

Yang Chunli, Li Xiangchun, Ren Yanbin, Zhao Yiliang, Zhu Feifei
2014 Procedia Engineering  
Accident statistical analysis is an important means of studying accident rule. In this paper, gas explosions that happened during 2001−2013 are analyzed statistically, and a comparative analysis of the number of gas explosions and the number of corresponding deaths during these 13 years is performed. The data of gas explosion is analyzed statistically from the regional, moment and month of gas explosion, some of statistical rules of gas explosion between 2001 and 2013 are summarized, and these
more » ... aws are analyzed and studied. The countermeasures that could prevent and control gas explosion are proposed by combining with these laws. The results contribute to the more effective prevention and control of gas explosion accidents and also promote safe production.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.10.422 fatcat:wz4zr3o7brhojhvuyijqpg4idq