Changing Museum Visitors' Conceptions of Evolution

Amy N. Spiegel, E. Margaret Evans, Brandy Frazier, Ashley Hazel, Medha Tare, Wendy Gram, Judy Diamond
2012 Evolution: Education and Outreach  
We examined whether a single visit to an evolution exhibition contributed to conceptual change in adult (n030), youth, and child (n034) museum visitors' reasoning about evolution. The exhibition included seven current research projects in evolutionary science, each focused on a different organism. To frame this study, we integrated a developmental model of visitors' understanding of evolution, which incorporates visitors' intuitive beliefs, with a model of free-choice learning that includes
more » ... onal, sociocultural, and contextual variables. Using pre-and postmeasures, we assessed how visitors' causal explanations about biological change, drawn from three reasoning patterns (evolutionary, intuitive, and creationist), were modified as a result of visiting the exhibition. Whatever their age, background beliefs, or prior intuitive reasoning patterns, visitors significantly increased their use of explanations from the evolutionary reasoning pattern across all measures and extended this reasoning across diverse organisms. Visitors also increased their use of one intuitive reasoning pattern, need-based (goal-directed) explanations, which, we argue, may be a step toward evolutionary reasoning. Nonetheless, visitors continued to use mixed reasoning (endorsing all three reasoning patterns) in explaining biological change. The personal, socio-cultural, and contextual variables were found to be related to these reasoning patterns in predictable ways. These findings are used to examine the structure of visitors' reasoning patterns and those aspects of the exhibition that may have contributed to the gains in museum visitors' understanding of evolution.
doi:10.1007/s12052-012-0399-9 fatcat:ske25dvkwnelrksl5ymrc62ghq