Order-of-Arrival of Tagged Objects

Stefania Bartoletti, Nicolo Decarli, Davide Dardari, Marco Chiani, Andrea Conti
2018 IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification  
The order-of-arrival (OOA) of a stream of objects moving along a monitored direction is important for many decision operations in logistic and industrial applications. As an example, the dispatch of luggage in airports requires to determine their OOA at checkpoints; as another example, the automatic steering of items in supply chains requires to sort and identify them while moving on a conveyor belt. This paper establishes a general framework for determining the OOA of objects that are moving
more » ... ong a monitored direction via radiofrequency identification (RFID) systems. Three techniques for OOA tracking are proposed and developed for objects equipped with RFID tags possessing ranging capabilities. The benefits of the proposed techniques are experimentally validated based on measurements gathered with a RFID system operating in an indoor environment.
doi:10.1109/jrfid.2018.2881708 fatcat:m3spoo37mjfq7bg4d2l5yg6sda