Women, engagement and censorship in the Spanish Cinema. 1939-1959 [report]

Fátima Gil Gascón, Salvador Gómez García
2010 unpublished
This article analyses the formation of women's identity in relation to love and courtship in the Spanish cinema during the first Franco regime . To this end, two hundred films produced in Spain during this time were analysed. These films were chosen based on two criteria: Their permanence in the box office and their relevance to the subject under study. This research was complemented with the analysis of the censorship reports about these films, which facilitated the understanding of the
more » ... nes and influence of the government towards the representation of an official model of the Spanish women. Moreover, in order to know whether other media also contributed to the creation of the feminine identity, we consulted the most important women's magazines and compared their messages whit those offered to women on the big screen. The analysis shows that the cinema of this years present a vision of love that was very far from the romantic and passionate feeling that appeared in other artistic representations. Female audiences that went to the cinema during this time assimilated a concept of love intrinsically linked to marriage and the formation of a family. This reality was in consonance with the mission to which, according to the Francoist regime, the Spanish women were destined.
doi:10.4185/rlcs-65-2010-912-460-471-en fatcat:zoyims4ahnc4jcsefosdrs4bsi