Tropoelastin Massively Associates during Coacervation To Form Quantized Protein Spheres†

Adam W. Clarke, Eva C. Arnspang, Suzanne M. Mithieux, Emine Korkmaz, Filip Braet, Anthony S. Weiss
2006 Biochemistry  
Tropoelastin, the precursor of elastin, undergoes a rapid monomer to multimer association in an inverse temperature transition. This association culminates in the rapid formation of stable, optically distinct droplets of tropoelastin. Light scattering and microscope measurements reveal that these droplets are 2-6 µm in diameter. Scanning electron microscopy confirms that the droplets are spherical. Threedimensional confocal image stacks based on the autofluorescence of tropoelastin reveal that
more » ... roplets are loaded with hydrated tropoelastin. Droplets are viable intermediates in synthetic elastin macroassembly. Dense clusters of aggregated droplets and partially formed fibers develop when droplets are incubated in the presence of a lysyl oxidase. Lysine-reacting chemical and enzyme-assisted cross-linking conditions generate cross-linked beads due to interactions between multiple, surface-exposed lysine -amino groups. Droplets represent an efficient mechanism for the bolus delivery during elastogenesis of quantized packages of preaccreted tropoelastin.
doi:10.1021/bi0610092 pmid:16906757 fatcat:6yxeuadwwzd6rhhblf4hzwyvwa