Technological Catching-up and Latecomer Strategy: A Case Study of the Asian Shipbuilding Industry

EUNHEE SOHN, Jaeyong Song, 장성용
2009 Seoul Journal of Business  
This paper investigates the role of imitation and innovation in technological catching-up. On the one hand, excessive innovation and no imitation can never provide latecomers with absorptive capacity to embark on catching-up along the existing technological trajectory. On the other hand, excessive imitation and no innovation can debilitate the ability of latecomer firms to leapfrog incumbents by creating a new trajectory and further reducing the technological gap. Thus, we argue that successful
more » ... technological catching-up in the long term can hardly be achieved without a fine balance between imitation and innovation at the early stage of catching-up. We also propose that occurrence of technological uncertainty at the later stage of catching-up allows latecomers with such balance to
doi:10.35152/snusjb.2009.15.2.002 fatcat:bqiad72bafhsndlu7ayq4angme