A hybrid hierarchical request-routing architecture for content internetworking

Ming Gan
Nowadays, the dominant majority of Internet traffic comprises of the distribution of static and media rich content. For efficient content access and delivery, contents from original (authoritative) servers are replicated in geographically distributed (surrogate) servers over the Internet. A content request is routed to an appropriate surrogate server "nearest" to the client in a content network. This thesis proposes a new hybrid request-routing architecture for Content Internetworking. By
more » ... ing existing IP networking infrastructure to incorporate content intelligence, the new routing platform supports both IP-aware and content-aware services. The salient features of the architecture are two-fold: (i) the hierarchical content request-routing and resolution approach, and (ii) the hybrid IP-address based routing and name based routing. This novel architecture enjoys scalability and performance advantages, while maintaining compatibility with the traditional Internet architecture. A content networking test bed with a complete suite of content routing protocols is implemented to demonstrate the viability of the architecture and framework in terms of scalability and performance.
doi:10.14288/1.0051732 fatcat:5nvmxy4djjhrflesw453xxvzxu