Performance Investigation of Tunnel Lining with Cavities around Surrounding Rocks

Jiajia Li, Yong Fang, Cheng Liu, Yongxing Zhang, Weihua Lu
2020 Advances in Civil Engineering  
This paper presents a systematical numerical investigation into the lining performance of a tunnel with cavities around surrounding rocks, focusing on the influences of cavity size and multicavity distribution. The study demonstrates that the cavities around surrounding rocks have much influence on tunnel stability and may induce damages in tunnel structures, in which cavity width has a more severe effect on the stress state of tunnel structures than cavity depth. Moreover, the numerical
more » ... gation also illustrates that the nonadjacent distribution of multicavities has more serious influence on tunnel structures than that from adjacent distribution of multicavities as well as that from a single cavity.
doi:10.1155/2020/1364984 fatcat:yxn3q3b6y5gzle77qopttzly3q