The X-ray CCD camera onboard the MAXI mission
全天X線監視装置搭載 X 線 CCD カメラ

Hiroshi TOMIDA
International journal of microgravity science and application  
SSC (Solid-state Slit Camera) is an X-ray CCD camera onboard the MAXI mission. SSC covers the energy range of 0.5-12 keV with the energy resolution of 145 eV(FWHM) for 5.9 keV X-rays. SSC has been working well in the ISS orbit as expected. The all-sly image obtained with SSC shows many X-ray objects with various colors.
doi:10.15011/jasma.28.1.29 fatcat:7rsbfmdkvzgnvfyzyqelz5gqs4