Effect of Guideline on Improving Nurses' Practices for Patients with Early Postpartum Haemorrhage

Amal Mahmoud Dawood, Kamilia Ragab Abou Shabana, Sahar Mossa Soliman, Amal Talaat El sharkawy
2021 Egyptian Journal of Health Care  
postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is still one of the main causes responsible for maternal morbidity and mortality. Aim of the study: To investigate the effect of guideline on improving nurses' practices for patients with early postpartum hemorrhage. Setting: At obstetric departments in Damanhur teaching hospital at Beheira Governorate. Study Design: A Quasi-experimental (an interventional pre and posttest study). Subject type: purposive sample. Subject size: All nurses (44nurses) who were working at
more » ... obstetric departments and accepted to participate in study, at previously mentioned study setting. Four nurses were excluded from the total sample due to their participation in the pilot study. Tools: Three tools 1) a structured interviewing questionnaire. 2) An observational checklist. And 3) Nurses' satisfaction tool. Results: The result of the present study findings was highly significant improvement in total knowledge and total practical skills among the studied sample pre intervention compared to immediate and eight weeks post intervention. P= < 0.01. Additionally, about more than three quarter among studied sample satisfied with the advanced knowledge included in guideline. Conclusion: the present study findings concluded that a significant improvement among studied sample' knowledge and practices post intervention. Recommendations: Nursing standards, protocols and guideline must be designed to enhance nurses' knowledge, practices and satisfaction.
doi:10.21608/ejhc.2021.192782 fatcat:bqpvma4pmrcgnmez5dq2zxlkda