Zornioside, a dihydrochalcone C -glycoside, and other compounds from Zornia brasiliensis

Yuri M. Nascimento, Lucas S. Abreu, Ramon L. Lima, Anne Dayse S. Silva, Vicente Carlos O. Costa, José Iranildo M. Melo, Marcus Tulius Scotti, Marianna V. Sobral, Silvany S. Araujo, Manoel Adrião G. Filho, Marcelo S. Silva, Josean F. Tavares
2018 Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia  
The secondary metabolites of the aerial parts of Zornia brasiliensis Vogel, Fabaceae, and the biological activity of one of these secondary metabolites were characterized in this study. A phytochemical investigation was performed using chromatographic techniques including analytical and preparative reverse-phase HPLC column sequences, which resulted in the isolation of fourteen compounds: one previously undescribed C-glycosylated dihydrochalcone (zornioside), one cyclitol (D-pinitol), one
more » ... ylated megastigmane (roseoside) and eleven phenolic compounds: 7-methoxyflavanone, 7,4 -dimethoxyisoflavone, medicarpin, 2 -4 -dihydroxychalcone, onionin, isoorientin-3 -O-methyl ether, isovitexin, glycosylated (Z)-O-coumaric acid, glycosylated (E)-O-coumaric acid, dihydromelilotoside, and isoorientin. The structures of the isolated compounds were determined based on 1D and 2D-NMR, HRES-IMS, IR and CD spectroscopic analyses. The cytotoxic activity of zornoside was assessed against tumor cell lines (MCF-7, HCC1954, T-47D, 4T1, HL60), and a non-tumor cell line (RAW264.7) using MTT assay. The compound zornioside was selectively cytotoxic for HL60 leukemia cells (IC 50 : 37.26 M).
doi:10.1016/j.bjp.2018.02.003 fatcat:6hoati3f4rfwzbqhwectdm5rj4