Nucleation mediated interfacial precipitation for architectural perovskite films with enhanced photovoltaic performance

Yu Yu, Songwang Yang, Lei Lei, Yan Liu
2017 Nanoscale  
S2 Kinetics curves drawn by classical nucleation theory calculation. Homogeneous nucleation 1 . In classical nucleation theory, supersaturated solution in which the concentration of solute (c) exceeding the equilibrium solubility ( ) possesses a high Gibbs free * energy, when the supersaturation ( ) achieves a critical point 1-4 , nucleation will take △ = - * place to reduce the energy and keep the system to be stable. The reduction of Gibbs free energy
doi:10.1039/c6nr08741h pmid:28150836 fatcat:jbmghrgrzjhlxg2i5zfzmqnmny