Expression of a Small Protein Encoded by the 3' Flanking Sequence of the Escherichia coli rnpB Gene

2007 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (Print)  
M1 RNA is the catalytic component of RNase P, a tRNA-processing enzyme in Escherichia coli. M1 RNA is produced in the cell by transcription of the rnpB gene and subsequent processing at the 3' end. The 3' flanking region of rnpB contains repeated sets of overlapping sequences coding for small proteins. The issue of whether these proteins are expressed remains to be established. In this study, we showed the expression of a small protein encoded by the first repeat within the 3' flanking region
more » ... rnpB. Interestingly, protein expression was increased at lower temperatures. The termination efficiency of rnpB terminators was decreased at lower temperatures, suggesting that antitermination is responsible for enhanced protein expression. Moreover, the purified small protein contained M1 RNA, implying a role as a specific RNA-binding protein.
doi:10.5012/bkcs.2007.28.6.1010 fatcat:x2pr5syidnayxons6wjdvcjvbq