Multiple regression analysis of railway noise based on finite line source models including the excess attenuation

Yohzoh Okumura, Kazuhiro Kuno
1992 Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E)  
Peak and sound exposure level measured in regions along the Shinkansen Super Express railway and several conventional lines were studied through multiple regression analysis. Besides rail/wheel rolling noise regarded as a finite line source, power collection noise and elevated structure noise were modeled as noise sources, and excess attenuation due to propagation in built-up area and screen effects were also introduced in the regression equations. From the analytical results, the dependence of
more » ... rolling noise and power collection noise on train speed, directivity of structural noise, the rate of attenuation, due to screening and propagation in built-up area etc. were investigated, and the ac curacyof the models was also discussed.
doi:10.1250/ast.13.161 fatcat:5x5b4ewd2ngynpai6yaqpwjeoe