Observing the Safety Precautions Against Blood-Borne Infections by Delivery Agents in Therapeutic and Training Hospitals of Tabriz in 2011-2012

Soheila Bani, Shirin Hasanpour
2014 International Journal of Women s Health and Reproduction Sciences  
Objectives: Blood transferred disease is one of the great difficulties for human and it is counted as one of the serious problems of public health. Although health care is valuable, it has some risks such as contacting with various pathogens, especially blood transferred pathogens, so the aim of this study is to observe the safety precautions against blood-borne infections by delivery agents in therapeutic and training hospitals of Tabriz in 2012. Materials and Methods: This study is a
more » ... ve research and all of the participants were the childbirth agents in 3 hospital of Tabriz (Alzahra , Taleghani , 29 Bahman). All of sample size was 100 persons. After obtaining informed consent, the questionnaires which contain demographic information and 24 statements that they were related to observance of safety points against blood transferred infections in childbirth rooms were given to participants to complete. The data were analyzed with SPSS software (Ver. 13). Results: Results showed that the rate of total observance of safety precautions against blood transmitted diseases was good in 54% of delivery agents and in 46% of them was average. Conclusion: Observing safety precautions against blood transmitted diseases needs motivation, effective education and necessary, that all of them should be in priority of health care planning by relevant authorities to reduce contaminated individuals and the costs of their treatment.
doi:10.15296/ijwhr.2014.10 fatcat:42iq5sznv5a2vhefzeaw3frhe4