Simulation of the molecular recombination yield for swiftH2+ions through thin carbon foils

Rafael Garcia-Molina, Manuel D. Barriga-Carrasco
2003 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
We have calculated the recombination yield for swift H 2 ϩ molecular ions at the exit of thin amorphous carbon foils, as a function of the dwell time and incident energy. Our results are based on a detailed simulation of the motion through the target of the H 2 ϩ molecular ion ͑before dissociation takes place͒ and its constituent fragments ͑after dissociation͒, including the following effects: Coulomb repulsion, nuclear scattering, electron capture and loss, as well as self-retarding and wake
more » ... rces, which provide the relative distance and velocity of the dissociated fragments at the foil exit. The recombination of an H 2 ϩ ion at the exit of the foil depends on the interproton separation and internal energy of the dissociated fragments, and on their probability to capture an electron. Comparison of our results with the available experimental data shows a good agreement.
doi:10.1103/physreva.68.054901 fatcat:kptzycrq2fg4ljyo4xfwhslpyq