Adam Scott Cameron

1877 Scientific American  
DECEMBER 8, 1877.] j' citntifit jUlttitlU. 353 " Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid," it is shown that tance is accomplished, unless the meteoroid is a large one, it and a member of some excellent associations for the advance· the Great Pyramid of Egypt contains in its interior standards is heated, melted, evaporated, and extinguished, all within ment of mechanical science. At the commencement of a of inch measure, while the exterior gives the same standards the period of not over one second
more » ... f time. The height at small pamphlet issued to his emp �oyees in 1869, proposing in the sacred cubit of 25 inches. One of the most impor-which they are heated to visibility is sometimes as great as the system of co-operation as a practical business movement, tant units of measure is the length of the so-called king's 200 miles, but the average is about 75 miles, and at extinc-the fonowing sentence occurred: "To assist a person in im chamber, which is 412'5 English inches, and its breadth tion, about 50 miles. proving his condition by his own efforts is to make a man of 206'2 inches. Now our silver coinage corresponds to these The above assumed rate of motion at which they enter our him." Other pamphlets on such subjects as "The Necessity numbers, as the" dollar of the fathers " weighs 412'5 grs., atmosphere is the result of the sum of the orbital motions of a Bureau of Mechanics," "The Eight Hour Question," the half dollar 206 ·2grs. , and the quarter dollar 103'1 grs., of both the earth and meteoroid, but, owing to the earth's "An Address to the Intelligent Workmen of the United which last is a very important pyramid nUl'uber. On in-attraction, this motion is really very much greater than States," were written by him, and widely circulated. quiring at the mint why the silver dollar was made of this 48 miles per second, especially.for those which move retro-During the spring of 1873 Mr. Cameron was elected pres·
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican12081877-353b fatcat:6fbzaogi55alzfqvxdcswvs3wa