Leonid Kocheryhin, Valerij Gladilin
2021 Mìstobuduvannâ ta teritorìalʹne planuvannâ  
In our time, the problem of proper water disposal systems is acute. Surface water disposal systems.is an engineering system, the main purpose of which is the timely removal of melt and rainwater from the site. This system must work smoothly, because the accumulation of moisture entails many negative consequences for structures, soil, plants, and the like. The rainwater from the site should be as thought out and implemented as much as possible, taking into account the characteristics of each
more » ... of site. Special attention should be paid to water disposal systems from highways. Excess water on transport routes and streets poses a very serious hazard to drivers, passengers and pedestrians. In addition, it is the reason for disruptions in transport links. The installation of such a system in the streets should ensure the strength and stability of road structures, as well as create favorable conditions for the operational use of city roads because of the rapid and complete removal of surface water entering the street gutter of a stormwater drainage system. This system is an integral part of the general stormwater drainage system from the territory of the settlement. Therefore, its design is carried out in conjunction with the general drainage system from all over the city and is called stormwater sewer system (drains). That is, it is a sewer that consists of rainwater catchments, sand traps, rainwater gutters, pipes and catch basins. Its primary purpose is to dispose rain, melt water and surface water from internal drainage systems of buildings, too, after watering and washing the streets, receiving water release from drainage systems, from drainage of tram tracks and road drainage of shallow foundation, etc. Therefore, the design of drainage systems in the streets and on the roads is carried out in compliance with the norms and rules specified in DBN B.2.5-75 and DBN B 2.3-5: 2018.
doi:10.32347/2076-815x.2021.77.253-265 fatcat:25btanqgcjbfboiurz2jpe6uu4