Research on error sources analysis of six-axis force sensor

Gui-Cong Wang, Ying-Jun Li, Shu Huang, Yang Sun, Yong Li
2017 Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Information Science (EEEIS 2016)   unpublished
Piezoelectric six-axis force sensor is a dynamic force measurement form by using piezoelectric quartz. Piezoelectric effect theory and application fundamental research have been the core issue of the piezoelectric disciplinary research. Piezoelectric six-axis force sensors generally require multiple sets of quartz group to detect six-axis force. Rational arrangement of quartz group is the key for sensor design. Whereas, how to overcome interferen00ce of sensor in each load is an effective way
more » ... improve the measurement accuracy of the piezoelectric sensor. This paper presents analysis of the error sources in the process of six-axis piezoelectric force sensor's assemble. It can provide theoretical basis and implementation methods to improve the measurement accuracy of the piezoelectric multi-axis force sensor.
doi:10.2991/eeeis-16.2017.57 fatcat:sqxrpbc3j5g53l25pq3hwsjm7q