Eine neue Darstellungsmethode für Caesiumhydroxid / A New Preparative Method for Cesiumhydroxide

Herbert Jacobs, Bernd Harbrecht
1981 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
Cesiumhydroxide has been prepared by the reaction of CsOH · H2O with CSNH2 in super-critical ammonia. Thermochemical data for CsOH are given in the range from 100 to 640 K. The x-ray investigation of the compound above 497.5 K shows a sodium chloride type of structure with a = 6,427 (5) Å at 503 K. The lattice constants for the rhombic modification at 298 K are a = 4,350 (3) Å, b = 11,99 (1) Å and c = 4,516 (3) Å. The cell contains four formula units. The structure is of an anti-NaOH type.
doi:10.1515/znb-1981-0228 fatcat:7rmqlcwi2rcebhvfijs3mcmwrq