Effect of e-module stage iv childbirth care with blended learning model on skills improvement of midwifery students

Dwi Ghita, Mardiana Ahmad, Firda Liantanty, Hamdiah Ahmar
2021 International journal of health & medical sciences  
Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of education on improving midwifery students' skills in improving management skills for stage IV labor. Methods: This study used a Quasi Experiment (Pre-test post-test design). The population of all students who program the subject of childbirth care is 90 students. The sampling technique was total sampling, then analyzed using the Chisquare and Mann withney. Results: The results of this study indicate that there is a significant effect; the
more » ... ue (p = 0.000, p <0.05) improves the skills of D-III midwifery students regarding stage IV delivery care in the Module group and the demonstration method compared to the Module group. Conclusions: Based on the results, the Android-based application of learning mag guru for childbirth improves Midwifery Diploma students' skills in managing stage IV childbirth care.
doi:10.31295/ijhms.v4n1.1527 fatcat:iygcz6gyhzfkfagpnwi3oq6keq