Using Planar Laser-induced Fluorescence to study the phase transformations of two-component liquid and suspension droplets

Pavel Strizhak, Geniy Kuznetsov, Roman Volkov, Maxim Piskunov
2019 Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer  
Using the planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF), we performed experiments to determine evaporation dynamics of homogeneous and heterogeneous droplets of liquids, conditions of their boiling, and explosive breakup. For the 1-2 mm water droplets, the distribution of highly non-homogeneous and non-steady temperature field was detected by highspeed cross-correlation video recording and the Tema Automotive software. We identified highly nonlinear dependences of evaporation rate on heating
more » ... ure and time as well as water droplet size. For the two-component liquids and water-based suspensions of graphite, we revealed unsteady temperature fields and established mechanisms and regimes of the explosive breakup of the heterogeneous droplets when heated. The regimes differ in the number and dimensions of the emerging gas-liquid fragments as well as the durations of the main stages. The three regimes of warming-up and evaporation of the heterogeneous droplets have been obtained. The explosive breakup of droplets enables provision for the secondary atomization of the liquid with the emergence of an aerosol cloud. The surface area of the liquid increases several-fold. The temperature variations at the water/solid or water/flammable component interfaces were determined corresponding to each boiling and breakup regime. Using the PLIF, we studied reasons and mechanism of the explosive breakup of water droplets with single large carbonaceous inclusions when heated.
doi:10.1615/interfacphenomheattransfer.2019030662 fatcat:ipaikhl5anadxljrpf2ocr4zua