Predictors of Students' Success in the Air Force School of Health Care Sciences

Russell D. Porter, Robert S. Buckingham, Joy E. Vroonland
1998 Military medicine  
This study assessed the predictors for students' success in the 882d Training Group's (Air Force School of Health Care Sciences) allied health courses at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas. Correlation and regression analyses provided many predictors of students' success. From these predictors, the researchers ascertained demarcation points to provide direction for instructors and students. Using these parameters, proactive intervention by instructors, students, and the Student Learning Center will
more » ... improve the success of allied health students. Further research conducted by the 882d Training Group in evaluating predictors of success will yield a seamless evaluation process. This process will establish an improved proactive educational system enhancing the career field selection process and the quality of students' education, as well as decrease costs.
doi:10.1093/milmed/163.1.36 pmid:9465570 fatcat:hrqqjymjtjdhdivnw26evk7ite