Growth and development of cows of different levels of productivity in breeding farms of the Udmurt republic

Ekaterina Martynova, Valentina Yakimova, D. Fayzrakhmanov, B. Ziganshin, F. Nezhmetdinova, R. Shaydullin
2020 BIO Web of Conferences  
The paper considers the impact of the growth intensity of black-and-white cows on subsequent dairy productivity. The main growth indicators of cows of different productivity levels are calculated on the basis of breeding and accounting documents from the birth to the first fruitful insemination: absolute, average daily and relative growth. The calculated indicators made it possible to study the growth intensity of highly productive cows of different productivity levels and to draw the
more » ... ing conclusions. It was found that intensive rearing of young black-and-white cows positively affects their subsequent dairy productivity.
doi:10.1051/bioconf/20201700174 fatcat:tgtmnxg35fdyjmxvlscr45trrm