The Education of the Self and Feminine Body Aesthetics through Physical Exercise and Effective Communication

Gheorghiu Aurelian, Barna Iuliana
2014 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
Efficient communication and systematic practice of physical exercise may increase self-esteem and lead to the identification of new relation formula by which the human beings to be able to display their potential and qualities more easily. It is the need for belonging what determines women to constantly adapt their discourse, ways of interacting and physical appearance. Physical exercise helps in reducing social and individual tensions, gives back self-esteem, the ability to make responsible
more » ... isions, to communicate and to cope with social pressure, irrespective of status, level of culture or environment.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.04.104 fatcat:h5zrafyg4bcnxo6hp6giye3cmi