Role of MPV in Early Diagnosis of Vascular Complication in Diabetic Patient

Manika Khare
2022 American Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports  
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia resulting from deficiency of insulin. Among platelet indices, Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) demonstrates the changes in rate of platelet production. Increase in MPV is seen in metabolic syndrome, stroke and diabetes. In these 100 diabetics and 100 control subjects were taken and their HbA1c was correlated with the MPV level of these subjects. A significant correlation was found between the MPV and Hba1c levels. Hence
more » ... ised MPV levels can be used as an early indicator for the complications of diabetes.
doi:10.33597/ajcmcr-v2-id1007 fatcat:g5trpvqiorgmhfhalqytqrk6xe