Classification of Shared Values for Educational Research

I. Yogamalar, Anand A. Samuel
2018 International Journal of Human Resource Studies  
The main aim of this article is to derive the list of shared values from academic perspective. The value statements were collected through qualitative procedure. The adapted version of McDonald and Gandz (1991) and the qualitative value statements provided by the respondents were combined together to prepare the list of shared values. Descriptive methods such as median, percentage agreement, item ambiguity, content validity index, content validity ratio, and content validity coefficient were
more » ... loyed to conclude the expert's rating in content validity analysis. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a popular mathematical procedure to determine the underlying structure of the variables. The maximum likelihood extraction method and promax rotation method were chosen to extract the factors and eventually six factors were finalized. The six factors were named in order to represent the underlying variables. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was also carried out to determine the goodness-of-fit to the data and ultimately the reliability test was done to ensure the consistency of the factors and the scale. The Cronbach's alpha value confirmed that the scale is consistent for further analysis.
doi:10.5296/ijhrs.v8i2.12818 fatcat:2tpsik4a3ng5nca2ny2zpo2geu