The Influence of the Scripted Task on Learning Outcomes in Collaborative Learning

Liang Yu, Rong-Huai Huang
2013 Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange  
Scripting task is one of the key issues on the study of collaborative learning that primarily focuses on the influence of scripted task on learners' knowledge building. It is known that the outcomes of collaborative learning entail learners' knowledge building as well as their acquirement of collaborative skills. The paper, through a quasi-experiment, examines the effects of individual characteristics (gender and learning style), group characteristics (task type and group production), and their
more » ... interaction effect on learners' knowledge acquisition and acquirement of collaborative skills. The result shows that (a) the group with the scripted task and the group with scripted task and sequence do better than the group with an unscripted task in both knowledge acquisition and collaborative skills, (b) the effect of scripted task on knowledge acquisition and collaborative skills has significant difference among students with surface approach, strategic approach and deep approach, and (c) the group with the scripted task is not significantly different from the group with scripted task and sequence on knowledge acquisition and collaborative skills. As a result, future study on scripted task is supposed to pay closer attention to its impact on learners' collaborative skills and the way to improve their collaborative skills.
doi:10.18785/jetde.0601.06 fatcat:pvqds6f6afgozf5smtu7fplcnq