Role of Internet and its impact on democratic change: A Study

Sunita Nehwal
2022 TECHNO REVIEW Journal of Technology and Management  
Today, the rapid spread of the Internet has started a whole new type of socio-political and religious awakening. With the exchange of ideas at the global level, a path has been paved for new social movements of the global level. A whole new chapter of democracy has started. The Internet plays an important role in mobilizing people and organizations globally and creating awareness in favor of anti-globalization, anti-war, environmentalist, feminist and democratic struggles. Gives a golden
more » ... nity to the general public to express their views and develop consciousness on questions of social, political, environmental, peace, etc. It enables global citizenship, global identity, global state, global governance, and global polarization and profiteering.
doi:10.31305/trjtm2021.v01.n02.005 fatcat:7fq5xv7jszcdrobsg2s2spy3kq