Impact of a Changing Environment on Drainage System Performance

M. Kleidorfer, C. Mikovits, A. Jasper-Tönnies, M. Huttenlau, T. Einfalt, W. Rauch
2014 Procedia Engineering  
Pavement of the surfaces, along with a possible climate change induced increase of rainfall intensities, is one of key factors accountable for (increased) flooding in urban areas. Consequently higher runoffs have an impact on sewer system performance in terms of higher risk of flooding and decrease of storm water treatment performance. This paper presents a sensitivity analysis to compare impact of increased rainfall intensities and pavement of urban areas. It can be seen that both impacts
more » ... t in a similar figure. Hence it is important to look into both aspects when trying to predict future performance of combined sewer systems.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.02.105 fatcat:tzwkvf5c3vcprhsbc3op6rl7he