Beyond Zero Waste Concept: A Revolution for Sustainable Community

2016 International Journal of Sustainable Water and Environmental Systems  
A community reflects a big number of citizens grouped in an area, sharing common characteristics, traditions, lifestyle and daily needs. People within a community will affect the area and surrounding citizens as per their daily acts and traditions as well as being affected by the surrounded environment too; meaning that the community and the people living within are interconnected where the action of one end will lead to a reaction in the other. Thus there is a need to introduce the concept of
more » ... ustainable communities, which focuses on water, air quality, wastes, energy and materials being more of a marketing word nowadays to companies, industries, governments and communities. However, since natural resources are being abused to a big extend that currently some living categories cannot access. This leads to widening the gap between the rich and the poor thus diversifying the community. In addition to, negative actions are impacting the surrounding environment leading to an undesired living standards and lifestyle like the accumulation of wastes and the consequent rise of diseases and pollution. In brief, the objective of this paper is to propose a zero waste practical approach for urban communities, hoping to reach a common ground of understanding. While also having defined set of actions towards having a balanced environment and ecosystem for a better, balance, pollution-free life and natural resources management for future generations' needs.
doi:10.5383/swes.8.01.004 fatcat:a5artcj5qzajlce2i67jd5p2vy