Development of Ubiquitous Rice Intake Management Systems for Rice Processing Complex
미곡종합처리장을 위한 유비쿼터스 벼 반입관리 시스템 개발

Hyo Jai Lee, Oui Woung Kim, Hoon Kim, Byeong-Sam Kim, Jae-Woong Han, Chung Su Han, Jae-Yoon Jung
2013 The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies  
In this paper, an rice intake management system based on ubiquitous computing technology is introduced for rice processing complex (RPC). This system plays an important role in the quality management for rough rices in that the system provides timely and useful information of rice cultivation. The intake management system is developed by utilizing widespread ubiquitous technologies, such as smartphones, GIS and LBS, for the purpose of controling the harvest time and monitoring the quality of
more » ... dy. The information for rice production, cultivation and quality management is transmitted and stored in a centralized http://dx.
doi:10.7838/jsebs.2013.18.2.175 fatcat:ns67iypgczf2lisgqimtn3r76y