Cases of progressive Bowen cancer, Bowen disease, BCE, senile keratosis, gastric cancer

Takayuki FUJISAWA, Shinnosuke ISHIDA, Hiroshi SAITOH, Soji YAMAZAKI
1993 Skin Cancer  
We reported a case of Bowen carcinoma complicated of Bowen disease, Actinic keratosis, Basal cell epithelioma and gastric cancer in his course. A 78-year-old man was operated by BCE of 1-III finger six years ago, and operated gastric cancer 1 year ago. He noticed the tumor and plaqu on his left back of foot 3 years ago. We operated these lesions, and diagnosed Bowen carcinoma and Bowen disease histologically. Further examination revealed multiple actinic keratosis on the face and scalp. It is
more » ... ll known that Bowen disease related internal malignancy and multiple Bowen disease is due to Arsenics. We cosidered that Bowen disease concerned not only internal malignancy and Arsenics but also malignant skin tumors. We considered that Bowen disease conce-ned not only internal malignacy and Arsenics but also malignant skin tumors.
doi:10.5227/skincancer.8.447 fatcat:26lbznnakrhvdh5aapht6siuee