Teaching and Learning Supervision, Teachers' Attitude towards Classroom Supervision and Students' Participation

Yaakob Daud, Puteri Darishah Dali, Rozalina Khalid, Mohd Sofian Omar Fauzee
2018 International Journal of Instruction  
This quantitative study aims to identify the supervisory performance in the elements of teaching and learning supervision in secondary schools in the Kubang Pasu district, Kedah. Theory of classroom teaching and learning supervision by Glickman (2004) is the basis of the study. Research instruments are adapted and modified from teaching and learning supervision by Ebmeir (2003) , while teacher's attitude towards supervision was taken from the questionnaire by Ramin (2014) and teacher's teaching
more » ... competency instruments were taken from the questionnaire by Sayer (1992). The research instrument involved a set of questionnaire consisting of 23 items. The respondents of the study involved 120 teachers in secondary schools in Kedah. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results of the analysis showed that there was no significant relationship between the elements of confidence in the classroom teaching and learning supervisor, supervisor support towards teaching with student participation. However there is a significant positive relationship between confidence in the supervisor, supervisor support towards teaching with teacher attitude towards supervision. The findings of this study can be used as a guide for educators to improve classroom teaching and learning supervisory performance in order to improve the teaching profession in the school.
doi:10.12973/iji.2018.11432a fatcat:fsvcirg2l5aqfbiztgf46p6xni