2018 Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Business and Social Studies  
Culture is basically one of the expanded and more complicated issues in human life raised from the interaction between human, nature and the evolution of social concept. Folklore is considered one of the building blocks of culture including: traditions, customs, ethics, celebrations, habits, literature, arts, etc. The folklore of every society indicates the thoughts, ideals, cultural values and moral principles all around the world. Moreover, it is directed into a better recognition of
more » ... nations. From the beginning of the 19 th century, the scientific studies of folklore scientifically started which examined the beliefs, verbal literature and the behaviours of people considered so as to identify social realities. The current essay is based on a descriptive-analytical method presenting some of the folkloric elements. It is concluded that getting acquainted with the folklore of different societies is led into recognizing their social facts. Holistically, attempting to comprehend the folkloric concepts of certain societies can make nations get closer to one another.
doi:10.25275/apjabssv4i1ss2 fatcat:awvpj2uzvrfgdnnvtecznu3fge