The Role of Chemical Factors in Oro-Maxi-Facial Surgery. The effiency of surgical act in lower lip cancer

Cristian Constantin Budacu, Constantin Mihai, Aureliana Caraiane, Oana Elena Ciurcanu, Mihail Balan
2018 Revista de Chimie  
Oro-facial soft parts may be the site of benign or malignant tumors, which, although presenting histological similarities, aspects and clinical development vary depending on the affected region. An upper lip lesion that does not heal in a few days could be a big health problem. Also, the presence of chronic inflammation, thickening, or whitish appearance in the lip are all alarm signals. Lip cancer is manifested by the presence of the upper or lower lip tumor, which may be solitary or multiple,
more » ... ulcers that do not heal for more than three weeks, haemorrhages in the tumor. Sometimes it is considered as being a trenant/delayed herpes, the spinocellular carcinoma of the lip is the most common form of localized cancer in the head and neck level. The lip cancer occurs predominantly in men between 50 and 70 years of age but cases have been identified in young patients aged 20-30 years, too. The study includes 95 patients with lower lip cancer studied in 2016-2017. A good collaboration between ablative surgeon and restorer surgeon gives the patient the best opportunity for complete resection and restoration of the shape and function of the involved structures; the ablative surgeon can remove the tumor without compromising the excision due to a specific reconstruction plan. Reconstruction possibilities from the lower lip were adapted to each patient, depending on the size of the tumor and the properties of the facial tissues.
doi:10.37358/rc.18.7.6421 fatcat:747tudxytrhmbfpit54554a7tm